Opportunity Cruises

By Metro Chamber|June 15, 2016|Membership Spotlights|

opportunity cruisesAs a youth growing up very poor in the projects of Broderick, now known as West Sacramento. I had the opportunity to go on a boat ride in the San Francisco Bay provided by the Broderick Christian Center. It was my first and only opportunity to ride in a boat, and the experience showed me there was a much bigger world than the projects. I enjoyed the boat ride and had my first hostess cupcake, what a day! Part of my business plan was to operate for profit, but in addition offer schools discounted cruises, or possibly free by grant funding, an opportunity to a unique experience that the very few can have.

We provide discounted educational cruises for the port of Stockton and add an additional 25 tickets per cruise for families to experience a 2-hour free port educational cruise. To date, through our partnership with the port, we have provided over 100 cruises with hundreds of passengers being school aged children totally free of charge! We are proud of that, and we hope to be successful in Sacramento, my lifelong home, and would love to continue pursuing ways to make the Sacramento river accessible to everyone and especially area youth.

John Jordon
Opportunity Cruises

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