Chamber View: 2017: Investing in Our Capital Region

By Metro Chamber|December 1, 2017|Advocacy, News Coverage|

2017 has been an exciting year for the six-county Capital Region. The Wall Street Journal reported Sacramento is California’s Newest Real-Estate Hotspot, our Airport celebrated 50 years by topping a J.D. Power list, Golden One Center was named #1 Sports Venue in the U.S., and we’ve been called the “Dark Horse” in the running to be Amazon’s second headquarters.

2017 has been an important year for us at the Metro Chamber as well:

  • We’ve helped to open more than 30 new businesses and secure nearly $15M in capital for local businesses via the Capital Region Small Business Development Center;
  • The Metro Chamber Foundation worked closely with Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg on his Thousand Strong initiative, creating a vibrant paid internship opportunity for 220 young people;
  • Hosted over 50 ribbon cuttings and 50 networking events in the Capital Region;
  • Aided local non-profits like Lilliput Families and La Familia Counseling Center through our Inspire Giving and Leadership Sacramento philanthropic services;
  • Traveled to Washington D.C. for our Annual Cap-to-Cap program with a record 360 business, community, and elected leaders to advocate for our region at the federal level; and
  • Brought a record 135 delegates to Austin, TX where we explored best practices to improve the quality of life in our Capital Region.

We have a lot to look forward to in the New Year, beginning with our Annual Dinner and Business Awards on Friday, January 26, where we will announce our 2018 Study Mission location and our Inspire Giving grant recipient. We will continue the year with a full calendar of programs and events for our members, including our flagship Cap-to-Cap program happening April 14-18.

Our job is to advocate for and support our members by leading the effort to grow and retain business. We look forward to continuing to build upon our successes as a region and a chamber with you by our side in 2018.

Wishing you a happy holiday season and a prosperous New Year.

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