Lilliput Families

By Metro Chamber|April 2, 2020|Foundation, Inspire Giving|

Lilliput Families

Organization Overview

Lilliput Families provides programs and initiatives that create a strong foundation for children and their families, and ensure that children who enter the foster care system are placed with lifelong families quickly. Their mission is to ensure that every child has the opportunity to be part of a safe, nurturing, lifelong family.

How is COVID-19 impacting Lilliput Families?

Lilliput’s dedication to their children, youth, and families continues. They have pivoted to meet the needs of clients in flexible ways. However, there have been several major impacts to the Lilliput Families operations in response to COVID-19.

Court cases are not being heard so adoptions are not being finalized. Hearings for children who are going through the foster care system are not being held. This impacts Lilliput Families financially and is a source of frustration and concern for their families.

Additionally, they had to cancel their Derby Day fundraiser that was planned to be held on May 2. This will impact their fundraising efforts for the year and remove the opportunity to network with donors.

How Can I Help?

  • Resources for masks and monetary donations that are unrestricted are most helpful. 
  • They also need donations of laptops so the children in foster care can complete their school assignments online.
  • Volunteer to make masks for their team.

Here are some examples of how your financial gift will help: 

  • $50 Essential supplies and materials to prevent spread of the virus.
  • $100 4 meals for a family sheltering in place
  • $250 Gift cards to grocery stores for our families who are struggling financially
  • $500 Laptops so our children can complete their school work at home
  • $1,000 30 hours of additional social service staff time
  • $2,500 Laptops, phones, and technologies for our social workers to serve clients remotely
  • $5,000 Operating fund that allows flexibility to meet the critical needs of our children and families

Lilliput is grateful for any contributions you can provide. Donate to Lilliput Families here:

Helping Others

Lilliput Families is willing to share what has worked for them with other foster family agencies. They also were able to pivot quickly as an organization to get their staff working from home with little to no interruption to their clients.


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