Sacramento Metro Chamber Announces Priority Issues for 2017 Cap-to-Cap

By Metro Chamber|April 20, 2017|Advocacy, News Coverage, Press Releases|


Council Member Stephanie Nguyen, City of Elk Grove & Council Member Beverly ‘Babs’ Sandeen, City of West Sacramento to serve as Honorary Vice Chairs

SACRAMENTO, CA – The Sacramento Metro Chamber will lead the largest delegation in 10 years with 360 regional business, civic and elected officials to Washington, D.C. April 29-May 3 to meet with federal representatives to advocate on behalf of the six-county Capital Region.

In its 47th year, local public officials Council Member Stephanie Nguyen, City of Elk Grove and Council Member Beverly ‘Babs’ Sandeen, City of West Sacramento will serve as Honorary Vice Chairs of the Annual Capitol-to-Capitol (Cap-to-Cap) program.

“As a long-time attendee and former Chair of Cap-to-Cap, it is a great honor to now serve as an Honorary Vice Chair for this annual program,” said Council Member Sandeen. “Taking our priority issues to Washington, D.C. via Cap-to-Cap has been productive and important for our region for nearly half a century and this year will be no different.”

Each year, participants work in teams to establish priorities and asks of our federal representatives in Congress, the Administration and agency officials on regional topics dedicated to improving our economic livelihood. This year, 12 policy teams, representing air quality, civic amenities, community resources, economic development, flood protection, food & agriculture, health care, land use & national resources, public safety, transportation, water resources and workforce & education, drafted papers outlining policy positions and solutions. The Metro Chamber honed in on three critical areas for our region: regulatory reform, investment in our infrastructure, and building our regional workforce.

“The priority issues this year are solely focused on how our region can best build economic expansion, improve business recruitment and growth and ensure stable jobs for our dynamic region,” said Council Member Stephanie Nguyen. “Our efforts at Cap-to-Cap this year are dedicated to ensuring our infrastructure moves our goods and people, regulations focus solely on providing for the welfare of our communities vs. stymying businesses and our growing workforce has access to the resources they need.”

Specific to regulations, the delegation will focus on educating Administration, agency and Congressional representatives on the need to explore regulatory reform to assist our business community in their ability to grow more freely. To ensure our Capital Region has the right foundation to support that growth, the delegation will seek policy changes and funding to support improved systems for moving goods and people, investment in technology infrastructure and expanded water storage in preparation for future droughts. To ensure we build the workforce for tomorrow, participants will advocate for ongoing maintenance on successful and innovative programs and support for continued funding for education grants and loans, improved access to technical and career training, and services designed to assist our veterans transition into the workforce. An executive summary of the 2017 priority issues can be reviewed on the Metro Chamber website.

“Cap-to-Cap is part of our mission at the Metro Chamber to ensure our business community has a constant advocate, supporting their needs, so they can grow their business in our Capital Region,” said Peter Tateishi, Sacramento Metro Chamber President and CEO. “Through ongoing dialogue with our elected leaders, and continued advocacy for our members, we can create an opportunity economy, laser focused on quality jobs and a thriving business community.”

Delegates will begin traveling on Friday, April 28th.  Follow all the action on Facebook and Twitter via #CaptoCap17.

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