Proposition 67 Plastic Bag Ban Makes Good Environmental — and Business — Sense

By Metro Chamber|October 19, 2016

More than 450 organizations are backing the Yes on 67 campaign, the effort to preserve the state’s plastic bag ban. There are some you would expect, like the Monterey Bay Aquarium, the Surfrider Foundation, and Environment California. But the list is also heavily populated by many that fall in the “not-your- usual-suspects” category:…

Chamber View Advocating Together

By Metro Chamber|October 1, 2016

Another election season is upon us. Casting a vote requires one to take time away from the normal grind and to get smart on the ballot initiatives, candidates and local measures that will impact our tomorrow. It’s what we call civic engagement, it’s our responsibility. As a regional chamber covering…

A model for Sacramento

By Metro Chamber|September 29, 2016

Visit to Twin Cities shows region with compassion for all citizens Getting away often provides perspective. This is the motivation behind the 18th annual Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce study mission, which included 80 business and government representatives. We put the Twin Cities under a microscope for four days this…

Sacramento’s lessons from the Twin Cities

By Metro Chamber|September 20, 2016

About 90 business and civic leaders from Sacramento descended on Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota, last week, where they toured historic neighborhoods, rode the light rail and strolled down a vibrant riverfront as part of the annual study mission by the Sacramento Metro Chamber of Commerce. While the Twin Cities…

Chamber-Supported, CSU Audiology Bill Becomes Law

By Metro Chamber|September 9, 2016

Today, Governor Brown signed AB 2317, a bill sponsored by the California State University (CSU) system and supported by Sac State and the Metro Chamber. The new law will allow CSU to independently award a Doctorate of Audiology Degree. Prior to the law’s enactment, only one university in California could…

Metro Chamber Advocacy Helps Protects Business Privacy

By Metro Chamber|August 18, 2016

The Metro Chamber partnered with the Sacramento Utility Management District (SMUD) and many of its state and local partners, including business improvement districts and fellow chambers of commerce, to fend off Assembly Bill 1520 at the California state legislature. In its original form, the bill would have amended the Public…

Metro Chamber Opposes New Holiday Wage Mandate

By Metro Chamber|August 10, 2016

The Metro Chamber stands opposed to Assembly Bill 67, the Double Pay on the Holiday Act. Introduced by Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez, the legislation’s stated goal is to ensure employees forced to work on Thanksgiving are paid twice their “regular rate of pay.” While well-intentioned as a statement on the value…