Update: City of Sacramento Minimum Wage Task Force

By Metro Chamber|September 3, 2015|Advocacy|

The Sacramento Metro Chamber applauds Mayor Johnson for his leadership and collaborative spirit in convening the Income Inequality Task Force and thanks Council Member Jay Schenirer for thoughtfully navigating this challenging effort. Metro Chamber was pleased to participate in these conversations in good faith as we aimed to collaboratively produce a recommendation driven by data for the City Council’s consideration.

Our priority first and foremost was to ensure we developed a recommendation that wouldn’t place the business community at a competitive disadvantage. We strived to create a pathway that supported businesses while taking into consideration the needs of working families. Throughout this process, Metro Chamber led robust discussions and brought compromises to the table. The recommendation is ultimately not the compromise the Metro Chamber was hoping for, but we recognize that this was the best option the Task Force could agree upon and we respect the process.

Last night, the Task Force recommended a raise to $12.50 by 2020:
• 2016: $10.00
• 2017: $10.50
• 2018: $11.00
• 2019: $11.75
• 2020: $12.50
• 2021: Based upon Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Exemptions include:
• Total compensation
• Youth employment
• Healthcare credit
• Training programs
• Adult workers with developmental disabilities
• More lenient small business and non-profit phase-in

The Metro Chamber is committed to advocating and supporting the economic success of our members. As we move forward, we will ensure that the needs of businesses are advanced and continue to be represented until a final ordinance is approved by City Council. We will continue to work for a strong Sacramento with a vibrant economy that keeps Sacramento working.

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