Blog: Five Questions with Jaime Wilson – Leadership Sac Alumni Committee Chair

By Metro Chamber|June 9, 2017|Foundation, Leadership Sacramento|

Get to know your Leadership Sacramento Alumni Committee Chair, Jaime Wilson, from LS14! If you’re a Leadership Sac alumni, make sure you stay up to date on upcoming events and stay connected to get involved. Read our Q&A session with Jaime below to learn more.

Tell us about yourself

Hello! My name is Jaime Wilson and I’m the current chair of the Leadership Sacramento Alumni Committee. I’m also the Digital Media Manager at the Sacramento Zoo where I have worked in a variety of roles over the last 17 years. My favorite days are when I get to take videos of lemurs!

Why do you love Leadership Sacramento?

I love the Leadership Sacramento program because it helped me grow in understanding our region, my personal potential, and how I could make a difference in the town I love. Those are the things I expected to gain when I began Leadership Sac. What I didn’t expect to gain were the deep relationships that grew between myself and my Leadership Sacramento classmates – some of the most amazing people in my life. I’m constantly inspired by my class and other alumni!

Why are you on the Alumni Committee?

I wanted to continue to grow my experience with the Leadership Sacramento program, help the current class, and keep connecting with the alumni. The Alumni Committee seemed like the right place to do that!

What are the goals of the Alumni Committee?

The goals of the alumni committee are pretty simple: stay connected and support the program. After 31 years of Leadership Sacramento classes, you can imagine the number of alumni we want to keep track of! If we can keep in contact, we can all benefit from the strong and talented resource that is our fellow alumni to continue helping those in need and grow the Sacramento region. We also want to recruit the best and brightest into upcoming classes and help the current class with resources, networking, and finding sponsors and day-chairs for the year.

Anything else you want people to know?

If you’re a Leadership Sacramento alumni, please reach out to us to update your contact info! The alumni committee would like to keep you up-to-date on what the current class is up to, and how you can help their nonprofit project, mixers, fundraisers for the Metro Chamber Foundation, and volunteer nonprofit work days.

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