Legislative Vote Record

By Metro Chamber|January 18, 2023|Advocacy, Metro Chamber, News Coverage|

This past fall brought new elections and an end to the 2021-2022 State legislative cycle. We can now look back and reflect on how well our legislators in the Capitol have represented the business community.

The Sacramento Region is well-represented at the State Capitol, with 6 Senators and 9 Assembly members representing parts of El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba counties in the 2021-2022 cycle. This delegation was bipartisan, with 7 Republicans and 8 Democrats. Most of these legislators are still in the State Capitol, while others have moved on to other offices, like Congress. As an organization who is unashamedly for business, it’s critically important for us to review the choices they’ve made with their votes and share that information with you, our stakeholders.

To that end, we’ve partnered with our friends at CalChamber to put together a vote record scorecard that shows how each of these legislators voted on bills important to the business community. Click the image below to access the entire Voter Record.

State Legislative Scorecard

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