Raising Minimum Wage: A Bad Idea at the Wrong Time for Sacramento 

By Metro Chamber|July 23, 2015

Ahead of the City of Sacramento’s task force on Income Inequality exploring an increase to the minimum wage for the City of Sacramento, Metro Chamber CEO Peter Tateishi outlined the Chamber’s concerns in an opinion editorial for the Sacramento Bee. “The proposal poses a huge risk at a critical juncture…

Policy Update

By Metro Chamber|July 15, 2015

On Tuesday morning, Metro Chamber’s Transportation Committee welcomed California State Transportation Agency Secretary Brian Kelly who outlined the Governor’s transportation funding priorities and spoke about the ongoing Extraordinary Session. “We are making the case not just for California’s assets but for California’s continuing economic growth.” – Secretary Brian Kelly. On…

Let’s Keep Sacramento Working

By Metro Chamber|July 1, 2015

Cities throughout California are taking up proposals to increase the minimum wage, in some cases, as high as $16/hour (City of Emeryville, CA). In the Sacramento Region, proponents are seeking $15/hour. Here at the Sacramento Metro Chamber, we know our members’ needs and concerns, and we fight every day to…

Share Your Thoughts: Attend the Sacramento Transportation Forum

By Metro Chamber|June 17, 2015

The Metro Chamber is co-hosting the Sacramento Transportation Forum on June 24th to discuss the state’s role in funding road repair and maintenance. Representatives from the Metro Chamber, Sacramento Area Council of Governments, El Dorado County Transportation Commission, Placer County Transportation Planning Agency, California Department of Transportation and the California…

Metro Chamber Panel Details Minimum Wage Impacts

By Metro Chamber|May 13, 2015

Yesterday, the Metro Chamber convened a forum with leading economists and business representatives to discuss potential impacts of a minimum wage increase for the City of Sacramento and the region The discussion, held before a broad cross-section of business owners, explored recent increases by several California cities and the unintended…

Minimum Wage Discussion

By Metro Chamber|May 5, 2015

Unions are pushing to raise the minimum wage in the capital city to $15/hour. To effectively advocate on behalf of the business community, Metro Chamber is studying this issue closely to understand the potential impacts such an increase could have on our city and region. We hope you will join…

It’s a Wrap: 45th Annual Cap-to-Cap a Success!

By Metro Chamber|April 22, 2015

Regional business and civic leaders will make their way back to the Capital Region this week following another successful Cap-to-Cap program. Over 320 individuals participated in 230 meetings with Congressional offices and agency and Administration representatives over the course of a few days to advocate on behalf of the region.…