2020 Annual Report

By Metro Chamber|December 22, 2020

2020 was a major milestone year in the history of the Metro Chamber. While our tactics may have changed we celebrated 125 years of leadership by serving as the unequivocal voice of business in bold and meaningful ways. In a time of unprecedented volatility we have served more people, helped…

Metro-PAC November Election Review

By Metro Chamber|December 22, 2020

2020 has been a year unlike any other, including this year’s Presidential election. The November election set records for California with an 81% voter turnout statewide. Our region followed this trend with Sacramento County slightly above that average at 82.5% and regions like Placer County as high as 88% voter…

Sacramento Metro Chamber Launches #All4Small Fundraising Initiative to Support Region’s Small Businesses

By Metro Chamber|November 24, 2020

In an effort to amplify the significant contributions small businesses provide to the region’s economy, the Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce has partnered with talented local artists Chelsea-Mari Kennedy and Brandon Gastinell to design artwork for limited edition specialty merchandise as part of a new #All4Small fundraising initiative. The new…

COVID-19: Purple Tier and The Sacramento Business Community with Dr. Peter Beilenson

By Metro Chamber|November 13, 2020

The Sacramento Metro Chamber hosted a conversation for our business community with Sacramento County Health Services Director Dr. Peter Beilenson, on Thursday, November 12, 2020. This online discussion covered information on the county’s move back into the Purple Tier (widespread) announced earlier in the week. We encourage our businesses most…

Business Reopening Tiers Updated – What It Means for Your Business

By Metro Chamber|September 30, 2020

The Office of the Governor announced today that Sacramento County has moved into the Red Tier in the state’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy. This means the following for our members and business community opening for "INDOOR operations with modifications (see industry guidance for these modifications)”: All retail (maximum 50%…

HERO Act Influenced by Cap-to-Cap Connections

By Metro Chamber|September 22, 2020

The Sacramento Metro Chamber of Commerce’s annual Cap-to-Cap program provides attendees and our elected officials opportunities to foster and pass meaningful legislation that positively improves the quality of life for the Capital Region, and beyond. The House of Representatives voted on September 21, 2020, to pass Representative Ami Bera’s Helping…

Upcoming Member-Exclusive Event with Mayor Steinberg on Measure A

By Metro Chamber|September 14, 2020

Mayor Steinberg will address members of the Sacramento Metro Chamber on September 24, 2020, at 1 PM PST about Measure A, the Sacramento Mayoral Accountability and Community Equity Act. This is a Metro Chamber member-exclusive event. Measure A aims to promote an equitable Sacramento, increasing citizen participation in establishing budget…