Metro Chamber Statement on City of Sacramento Minimum Wage Increase

By Metro Chamber|October 27, 2015

Over the past few months, facing a push for $15/hour for the City of Sacramento, the Sacramento Metro Chamber held firm that $15/hour was not a workable wage for our city businesses. We worked to ensure that the business community had a voice in the process and that their concerns…

Metro Chamber Opposes Moving Forward with Minimum Wage Increase for City of Sacramento

By Metro Chamber|October 21, 2015

Following months of good-faith negotiations, resulting in a comprehensive recommendation on how to approach a minimum wage increase, the Metro Chamber, in partnership with the Keep Sacramento Working (KSW) coalition is now formally opposing an increase to the minimum wage for the City of Sacramento. “The original Task Force recommendation…

Update: City of Sacramento Minimum Wage Task Force

By Metro Chamber|September 3, 2015

The Sacramento Metro Chamber applauds Mayor Johnson for his leadership and collaborative spirit in convening the Income Inequality Task Force and thanks Council Member Jay Schenirer for thoughtfully navigating this challenging effort. Metro Chamber was pleased to participate in these conversations in good faith as we aimed to collaboratively produce…

Minimum Wage Update: Last Chance for Public Comment on Wednesday

By Metro Chamber|September 1, 2015

For the past few weeks, Metro Chamber has participated in meetings of the City of Sacramento’s Income Inequality Task Force in hopes of crafting a minimum wage proposal that would benefit low-wage workers and their families without sacrificing our economic momentum. Only by preserving a climate where businesses can succeed…

Advocating for City Housing

By Metro Chamber|August 26, 2015

Last night, Sacramento Mayor Johnson’s blueprint for constructing 10,000 new housing units in the central city – the Downtown Housing Initiative Plan (DHIP) – passed the Sacramento city council unanimously. The DHIP was crafted by a broad-based community steering committee, including the Metro Chamber, who spoke in support of the…

Minimum Wage Update

By Metro Chamber|August 17, 2015

Last week, the Task Force on Income Inequality held its third public meeting, and several presenters amplified the concerns voiced by our members. Our Keep Sacramento Working coalition brought in founding partner of Beacon Economics, Dr. Chris Thornberg, an economist who serves on the Council of Economic Advisors for our…

Minimum Wage Alert: Task Force Meeting Tonight

By Metro Chamber|August 12, 2015

Last week, the Mayor’s Income Inequality Task Force heard a report from Michael Reich, a researcher from the Labor Center at the University of California, Berkeley, analyzing a proposal by labor to raise the City of Sacramento’s minimum wage to $13.50/hour. Today the Task Force will hear from Dr. Chris…

Our Effort Grows…and YOU Can Help Make It Better!

By Metro Chamber|August 4, 2015

Keep Sacramento Working continues to grow! This week we added the Handle District and National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) as partners with Keep Sacramento Working. We are grateful for their willingness to add their voices to the many working to ensure we move forward reasonably on the minimum wage…

City of Sacramento Task Force to Meet TOMORROW

By Metro Chamber|July 28, 2015

The City of Sacramento minimum wage debate takes a critical step forward Wednesday with the first “Income Inequality Task Force” meeting. This task force will include representatives from the City Council, organized labor, social service agencies, and business community (including the Metro Chamber), and its charge is to report back…