Sacramento Metro Chamber Launches Rapid Response Tool for Businesses

By Metro Chamber|April 1, 2020

In response to the crisis of the coronavirus pandemic and the rapidly evolving set of challenges it presents for businesses and workers, in addition to public health, the Sacramento Metro Chamber of Commerce has launched a Rapid Response tool on its website... Find more coverage from Comstock's Magazine HERE.

Past Chair Mac Clemmens talks Cap-to-Cap

By Metro Chamber|March 2, 2020

The ties that bind the Capitol Region are incredibly deep and interwoven. Everyone seems to know everyone. Mac Clemmens is no exception. Maybe it’s because, for the past 15+ years, Mac has been the CEO of Digital Deployment, a Sacramento-based firm that designs and builds websites. As co-founder and CEO, he…

Amanda Blackwood: 125 Years & Counting

By Metro Chamber|January 8, 2020

The Sacramento Metro Chamber is — and will always be — the voice of business in the Capital Region. For the past 125 years, the Metro Chamber has advocated for and supported the inclusive economic prosperity of our region by leading efforts on behalf of the business community. The Metro Chamber…

Department of Sound Sacramento to Receive 9th Annual Inspire Giving Grant

By Metro Chamber|March 7, 2019

                Sacramento, Calif. – Today, the Sacramento Metro Chamber Foundation named Department of Sound Sacramento as the grant recipient for its 9th annual Inspire Giving program. Co-founded by John Hamilton, a native Sacramentan and New York based music producer/DJ, and Tyler Garnett, a…

Mac Clemmens to Lead as 2019 Capitol-to-Capitol Chair

By Metro Chamber|November 29, 2018

The Metro Chamber announced today that small business founder and advocate Mac Clemmens will serve as the chair for the 2019 Capitol-to-Capitol program. Clemmens is a Sacramento native who started his company, Digital Deployment, in 2004. Digital Deployment has since grown into a thriving midtown Sacramento business that was named…

Chamber View: Reach YOUR #NextLevel

By Metro Chamber|February 1, 2018

There’s never been a better time to be a young professional in the Capital Region. Sacramento is making headlines across the country, and our young professional community is not only reaping the benefits, they are changing the game – taking their careers and our community to the #NextLevel through entrepreneurship,…

Chamber View: A Time to Give Thanks

By Metro Chamber|November 1, 2017

A great chamber is the foundation of a great region. But a chamber of commerce can’t thrive without the strength of its members. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we would like to take an opportunity to express our gratitude to our members. We are proud of the programs and services…

Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce: Leadership and Transitioning for the Future

By Metro Chamber|October 31, 2017

On behalf of 2017 Metro Chamber Board Chair Trish Rodriguez:  My Fellow Metro Chamber Members, Today, I formally accepted Peter Tateishi’s resignation as President/CEO of the Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce. Peter’s term as President/CEO will go through December 31, 2017. Three years ago, the board welcomed Peter into the…

Regional Chamber Joint Support Letter: Unity Center at California Museum

By Metro Chamber|August 25, 2017

        August 24, 2017 Dear Richard S. Costigan and the Board of Trustees: From the communities in our golden foothills to the neighborhoods in our urban city core, to the agricultural fields in the Valley, we are proud of the diversity of our Capital Region. Our business…